Default Collection

An exclusive page designed to showcase the products within a collection. To access this page in the editor, simply click on the page dropdown located at the top center of the editor, then select 'Collections' from the list. This page offers two templates: one with a collection banner and one without. Choose the template that best suits your needs and assign these pages through the shopify admin collection settings.

Collection banner settings

  • Banner Width: Choose whether to have a full-width banner or a fixed-width banner.
  • Title Display: Option to show the collection title in the banner.
  • Description Display: Option to show the collection description in the banner.
  • Collection Image Usage: Use the collection image as the banner image.
  • Text Size Control: Control the size of the text displayed in the banner, ranging from H1 to H6.
  • Custom Banner Image: Add a custom banner image if the default collection image is not suitable.
  • Image Size Adjustment: Adjust the size of the banner image with options such as small, medium, large, and adapt to image.
  • Overlay Settings: Add an overlay to the banner image for better text visibility.
  • Opacity Control: Adjust the opacity of the banner image or overlay.
  • Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme for the banner text and overlay.
  • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS to further style the banner.

Product grid settings

The Product Grid section settings allow you to customize how products are showcased within a collection. Below are the available settings and their descriptions:

1. Products Per Page:

  • Description: Define the number of products displayed per page in a collection.

2. Number of Columns:

  • Description: Set the number of columns for displaying products.
    • Options: Specify separate settings for desktop and mobile views.

3. Filter & Sort Options:

  • Description: Enable the option to filter and sort products within the collection.

4. Additional Filter Options:

  • Show Product Tags: Display product tags as filter options.
  • Filter Group Name: Set names for different filter groups.
  • Filter Layout: Choose the layout of the filter, either sidebar or drawer.

5. Filter Accordion Style:

  • Description: Configure how filter groups are displayed within the accordion.
    • Options:
      • All groups open.
      • All groups closed.
      • Only the first group open.

6. General Appearance Settings:

  • Padding: Adjust the padding around the product grid.
  • Color Scheme: Select a color scheme for the product grid section.
  • Theme Settings: Apply theme-specific settings to the product grid.
  • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS for advanced styling and customization.
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